What should I wear?

You will need to wear warm comfortable clothing suitable to the weather on the day, with walking boots or trainers. Some of our experiences require your arms and legs to be covered, please check individual adventure restrictions to see if this applies to you.

Weather-appropriate clothing

When partaking in any of our outdoor adventures it is essential you dress appropriately for the weather. Remember to wear a warm coat and a waterproof if necessary.

Long sleeves

When participating in Quarry Karts, Caverns or Bounce Below you must wear long sleeved tops and trousers. If you are not, you may hire one of our overalls.

Long hair

Long hair must be tied back when participating on any of our adventures.

Sensible footwear

We do not allow any sandals or open-toe shoes, please wear sturdy trainers or boots

Sensible clothing

In general, we ask that you please come dressed sensibly for your adventure, be it indoor or outdoor. We would not recommend wearing dresses or skirts/


Most of our adventures will require you to remove your jewellery, particularly necklaces and rings. We would recommend leaving them at home or in a secure bag/ locker.


You can’t take bags onto the majority of our adventures, so please leave your bags either in your car, at home, or in a locker. You may keep your phone in a secure pocket.

Headscarves, Hijabs and Other Head Coverings

For safety reasons, we ask that scarves, hijabs, and similar head coverings not be wrapped around the neck during our activities. However, we do allow headscarves to be worn in a style that keeps the hair covered, as long as the fabric is not wrapped around the neck. Alternatively, we offer sports hijabs designed for active use. We encourage guests to bring their own sports hijabs if preferred. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you!

Please ensure you read your chosen adventure’s restrictions before arrival.