Summit site North Wales

Penrhyn Quarry

0 adventures

North Wales

Soar along Zip World Penrhyn Quarry on the world's fastest zip line and soak up the stunning landscape of a historic slate quarry.

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From the world’s fastest zip line, to an informative quarry tour, there’s an adventure for everyone and anyone on this regenerated site

Test your nerve by flying at 100mph head-first down the quarry with nothing but the bright blue lake below you, or hurtle down the quarry tracks in a 3-wheeled kart. Either way, this is an easily accessible adventure destination in North Wales, just a stone’s throw away from Bangor and Llandudno.

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World Heritage Site

We are proud that Zip World Penrhyn Quarry is located within a World Heritage Status area, and just at a glance, it’s easy to see why. This regenerated former slate quarry carries an incredible and interesting history, alongside unparalleled natural beauty.

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Sympathetic to the Landscape

We consider ourselves to be pretty clued up when it comes to choosing our adventure sites. We love to choose post-industrial areas that would otherwise fall to ruin, and regenerate the sites to build upon the legacy and use what is already available to us. Zip World Penrhyn Quarry’s incredible landscape remains largely untouched, with us building around its features and choosing adventures which remain low impact on local landscape and wildlife… we hope you like wild sheep and goats because there’s plenty to say hi to!

Penrhyn Quarry Tour

A Rich History

You can learn the full details on our Penrhyn Quarry Tour, however, it’s no secret that this site has an extremely interesting past as one of the world’s largest slate quarries. Whilst on-site, you’ll even see old quarrying buildings and structures still standing to this day, and you can learn snippets of information at various points of interest on the site.

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Adventures like no other

We’re super proud to be able to offer truly unparalleled adventures at Zip World Penrhyn Quarry. It’s not every day you can fly at speed along a winding overhead track, zoom at 100mph on a zip line, or kart down a mountain surrounded by insane views.

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Food, Drink, Escape

Not adventuring? After a post-adventure refuel? We have just the thing in the form of our modern restaurant, the Blondin Restaurant. Choose a delicious meal off the menu, grab a quick slice of cake, or just kick-back with a coffee, the choice is yours.