Six steps to the 'new normal' at Zip World
1. Limited availability - how many people we allow onto one time slot varies from adventure to adventure, but we have put availability limits in place to ensure that there aren’t too many of you on each session. This makes it a whole lot easier for you to all keep you distance and still enjoy the experience to the full.
2. Signage - we’ve created a bunch of fun signage and wayfinding which help guide you all along our new pathways. We’re operating a few one-way systems so that none of you have to cross-over where not necessary, and have extended a few of our queueing systems, so that you can be British and queue in a responsible and orderly fashion! All signage encourages 2 metre distancing between groups.
3. Staff PPE - where applicable, our team will be wearing masks, and sometimes gloves. In Wales, it's mandatory for everyone to wear a mask indoors. We are limiting the amount of close interaction our team have with you, but please be aware this won’t always be completely possible, for example during kit-up. Rest assured, our team operate under strict distancing and highly visible hygiene regimes.
4. Limiting cash payments - We encourage you all to only use contactless payment methods whilst on site. Ideally our staff won’t handle any cash at this time. Strict cleaning practices are in place whenever this is not possible.
5. Online waiver signing - We have introduced a new system where you can sign the waiver we usually present at check-in, online, before you visit us (this is an industry standard form you sign before going on any Zip World Adventure). Not only does this help to protect you and our staff, but also helps to limit the amount of people congregating in our reception areas.
6. Regular and highly visible cleaning regimes - We’ve always prided ourselves on keeping our sites in tip-top condition, but now more than ever we're going above and beyond to make sure that the sites are super clean. This has included installing new taps near our adventures, providing hand sanitizer across the sites and upping the frequency of our site cleanliness checks.
The above steps are already being planned and put in place. We may add or take away a couple of steps, depending on Government guidelines closer to the time of opening, but right now, this is our focus.
Wrap up warm! It's also worth mentioninig that as we move into autumn and winter, you should wrap up warm while on site. We will be keeping everyone outside in the fresh air and open space as much as possible to help social distancing and keep any risk as low as possible, for example while you are queuing or waiting for your adventure to start
We can’t wait to welcome you all back and see you all enjoy some extraordinary experiences with us.